Top Games to Play at Game Night

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Best games when hosting at home

May the best player win

If you've ever walked into a friend's house to find people racing off into the next room, only to return seconds later with spoons in their hands—all but one player—you've experienced firsthand the thrill that playing "Extreme Spoons" can bring to a get-together. When it comes to gathering people together, we love to add an element of extra interaction to the mix. A great way to do this: playing game night at home. It doesn't need to be as intense as chasing each other to wrestle for spoons (it doesn't have to get that competitive, but we can't say we haven't seen it become so...) but we will argue in favor of adding a bit of friendly competition to the night. Whether you team up girls vs guys, 20s vs 30s, parents vs non... the options abound. So here for you, we've compiled our list of best games to play for game night. 

Click each to jump to skip to each section:


For dividing your group into teams for some (potentially) unfriendly competition. If you wish, you can keep it friendly, but consider this a disclaimer anyway. 

  1. Fishbowl: The unofficial (but fairly official) go-to game of millennials. Jump to skip to instructions
  2. Cards Against Humanity: Rank your group's level of inappropriateness. Judge accordingly.
  3. Catch Phrase: Turn up the competition, challenge each other's levels of communication, and game on.
  4. Taboo: It’s like Catch Phrase, but a level up. For the ones that want to follow rules and stretch their brains. 
  5. Monikers: Have the people guess the people you’re describing. And have fun.
  6. Codenames: Find out who's really on your same wavelength.

As we mentioned briefly before, there are so many unique ways to divide up teams that add an entertaining element to playing team games. Here are a few to get you thinking in game-mode:

  • Girls vs. Guys: Battle of the sexes, commence!
  • 20s vs. 30s: Or whichever decade (or upper or lower half of one) fits. It can be quite entertaining to see what a different upbringing can even contribute to a gaming scenario.
  • Parents vs. Adults: See where you differing daily life routines impact your gaming abilities.
  • Couples vs. Singles: Depending who you want to single out here...or what couple drama will ensue.
  • WFH vs. Office: We've yet to experiment with this one, but tag us @partytrick if you give it a go. 

Word Games

For the words nerds out there. You may be shocked at who you find out to have been a Spelling Bee champ back in the day.

  1. Scattergories: Filling in categories all with the same letter. Stretch your brain and laugh at who thinks the same as you.
  2. Bananagrams: It's a race to criss-cross and re-start your crossword.
  3. Scrabble: For the times when you're up for a lower-key game. When it comes to speed, not brainpower. 
  4. Boggle: Set a 2-foot rule for this one: All players must stay 2 feet from the boggle cube. You'll see why when you see who's the queen of hovering. 
  5. Words with Friends: OK, this may be an independent game…but it’s “words” with “friends”... so we found it applicable. 


For dividing your group into teams for some (potentially) unfriendly competition. If you wish, you can keep it friendly, but consider this a disclaimer anyway. 

  1. Fishbowl: The unofficial (but fairly official) go-to game of millennials. Jump to skip to instructions
  2. Cards Against Humanity: Rank your group's level of inappropriateness. Judge accordingly.
  3. Catch Phrase: Turn up the competition, challenge each other's levels of communication, and game on.
  4. Taboo: It’s like Catch Phrase, but a level up. For the ones that want to follow rules and stretch their brains. 
  5. Monikers: Have the people guess the people you’re describing. And have fun.
  6. Codenames: Find out who's really on your same wavelength.

As we mentioned briefly before, there are so many unique ways to divide up teams that add an entertaining element to playing team games. Here are a few to get you thinking in game-mode:

  • Girls vs. Guys: Battle of the sexes, commence!
  • 20s vs. 30s: Or whichever decade (or upper or lower half of one) fits. It can be quite entertaining to see what a different upbringing can even contribute to a gaming scenario.
  • Parents vs. Adults: See where you differing daily life routines impact your gaming abilities.
  • Couples vs. Singles: Depending who you want to single out here...or what couple drama will ensue.
  • WFH vs. Office: We've yet to experiment with this one, but tag us @partytrick if you give it a go. 

Word Games

For the words nerds out there. You may be shocked at who you find out to have been a Spelling Bee champ back in the day.

  1. Scattergories: Filling in categories all with the same letter. Stretch your brain and laugh at who thinks the same as you.
  2. Bananagrams: It's a race to criss-cross and re-start your crossword.
  3. Scrabble: For the times when you're up for a lower-key game. When it comes to speed, not brainpower. 
  4. Boggle: Set a 2-foot rule for this one: All players must stay 2 feet from the boggle cube. You'll see why when you see who's the queen of hovering. 
  5. Words with Friends: OK, this may be an independent game…but it’s “words” with “friends”... so we found it applicable. 

What are the benefits of playing games? 

If you're wondering why games are even worth playing anyway (if you really needed a reason), here are a few of our favorite reasons for why they are not only entertaining, but effective for the long-term.

1. Improve cognitive function

Games can help improve memory, attention, and decision-making skills. When you have to decide whether to call B.S. on your friend's husband again... decision-making at its finest.

2. Reduce stress

Playing games can be a great way to reduce stress and improve overall mental health. Our statistics show that the more games you play, the more you laugh, the less you stress! *No research doctor or statistician on staff here...but our deduction skills stand by this statement.

3. Enhance social connections

Multiplayer games can help improve social connections and foster a sense of community. If you're new in town somewhere, or trying to build new community, playing games with people can help you connect sooner than through conversation in a group setting.

4. Boost creativity

Games that encourage creativity and problem-solving can help improve creative thinking skills. When you're standing underneath a blanket, deciding how to act out the cow jumping over the moon... your creativity has no choice but to take over.

5. Provide (& create!) entertainment

Games can be a great source of entertainment and can help individuals relax and unwind. This relates to stress reduction. But stressed or not, who doesn't appreciate another opportunity to be entertained? 

Overall, playing games can have a positive impact on mental, physical, and social well-being. Those are reasons enough for us!

Card Games

Your very own casino, right at home. But these games are actually good for any age anywhere. 

  1. Sequence: Stack up the teams, place a few bets, and let the game begin. 
  2. B.S.: Queue up How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days if you don’t know how to play this one. We’re still not over Matthew McConaugheys’ “Bull-shit” twang…even if it’s a decade old
  3. Slap Jack: If you haven’t played it, slap the deck when, yes, a jack is played. Most cards wins. Careful who you slap. 
  4. Tick'd: If you've played Five Crowns, it's the exact same. But you can play with any regular deck of cards. 
  5. Spoons: As referenced earlier. Also, remove the "extreme" version, and spoons stay put right in the center of the table you're playing around. Less bruising and scratching this way.

Classic Board Games

For the rainy days when the puzzles just aren't doing it, bring out the board games and switch things up.

  1. Clue: Or if you’re feeling especially interactive, host a Murder Mystery Party. Aka assign roles, dress up, and act out a Clue scenario. Perhaps a party coming on this soon…
  2. Settlers of Catan: Beware—guests may or may not far overstay their welcome, and you may be too invested in the game to realize weeks have gone by while you settle the uncharted lands. 
  3. Trivial Pursuit: Classical can never go wrong.
  4. Pictionary: Artists, gather your pencils. 
  5. Sorry!: Keep it simple, and blast to the past. 

You could even make it a game to complete a bingo board of sorts of every game on our list. That's 20 games... pick a season, gather the troops, and check 'em off!

If you’re looking for how to complete the package of game night… Partytrick has you covered with these curated parties: 

What are the benefits of playing games? 

If you're wondering why games are even worth playing anyway (if you really needed a reason), here are a few of our favorite reasons for why they are not only entertaining, but effective for the long-term.

1. Improve cognitive function

Games can help improve memory, attention, and decision-making skills. When you have to decide whether to call B.S. on your friend's husband again... decision-making at its finest.

2. Reduce stress

Playing games can be a great way to reduce stress and improve overall mental health. Our statistics show that the more games you play, the more you laugh, the less you stress! *No research doctor or statistician on staff here...but our deduction skills stand by this statement.

3. Enhance social connections

Multiplayer games can help improve social connections and foster a sense of community. If you're new in town somewhere, or trying to build new community, playing games with people can help you connect sooner than through conversation in a group setting.

4. Boost creativity

Games that encourage creativity and problem-solving can help improve creative thinking skills. When you're standing underneath a blanket, deciding how to act out the cow jumping over the moon... your creativity has no choice but to take over.

5. Provide (& create!) entertainment

Games can be a great source of entertainment and can help individuals relax and unwind. This relates to stress reduction. But stressed or not, who doesn't appreciate another opportunity to be entertained? 

Overall, playing games can have a positive impact on mental, physical, and social well-being. Those are reasons enough for us!

Why is social connection important?

It may be ever so obvious, but beyond what you may think about the importance of connection, social connection is important for several reasons, including some that may surprise you. Since games are an entertaining way to expand your social connections, read on and impress your peers with the importance of games next time you play.

1. Mental health

Social connection can improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Social support from friends, family, or other social networks can help us cope with difficult situations, provide emotional support, and promote a sense of belonging. You know the times you've been through, and the ones who came through for you.

2. Physical health

Social connection can also have positive effects on physical health. Studies have shown that individuals with strong social networks have lower rates of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions. Ah, now we get why working out with friends is one of the best things ever.

3. Longevity

Having social connections can also increase longevity. Research has found that people who have strong social ties are less likely to die prematurely than those who are socially isolated. So if you think of someone who is socially isolated, here is your inspiration to extend some goodness their way and bring a little light to their life. An hour of time goes a long way when you're socially isolated.

4. Personal growth

Social connection can help us learn and grow by exposing us to different perspectives and experiences. It can also provide opportunities for individuals to develop new skills, interests, and hobbies. The more people you talk to... the more things you find out... the more invitations you get to try... the list goes on.

Overall, social connection is essential for our well-being and can have a positive impact on all aspects of our lives. Ultimately, it all goes back to the importance of social connection. Which, alas, we’ve written all about here: Social Interaction is a Must

Didn't know we'd get scientific on you when sharing our favorite games to play, did you? We're not just playing games over here after all. So what better way to stretch yourself mentally with a bit of brain stimulation…while giving yourself that dose of connection that it needs? Win, win. (And if you win all the games you play, it’s a win-win-win!)

Fishbowl Instructions

What you need

  • Paper: However you want to cut it, but up to 60 slips, the size of business cards
  • Pens
  • Bowl
  • Timer (phone timer = great)

How to Play

  1. Divide players into two teams. You can simply count off every other if seated in an (approximate) circle. 
  2. Distribute slips of paper and pens to every player: 3-6 each, pending how many players. You want to end up with 30-60 slips total.
  3. Every player writes one thing to throw into the fishbowl on each slip. "Thing" can be: person, place, thing, phrase—anything that players would be able to describe and act out.
  4. Coordinate seating so team members alternate every other in a circle: i.e. A, B, A, B, A, B...
  5. Player One (we'll call her Alice) starts with the bowl. Alice gets 00:45 to pick slips out of the fishbowl, one at a time, and describe them to her team A. Player 2 from Team B (we'll call him Brett) watches the time. 
  6. Team A players guess what Alice is describing. As soon as the item is guessed, she pulls a new slip from the bowl and proceeds to describe it.
  7. When 00:45 is up, Alice totals her points, and hands her slips to the scorekeeper, aka keeper of the things. 
  8. Alice passes the bowl to Player 2, Brett, on her left, from Team B. Brett proceeds to describe things as he picks from from the bowl for 00:45. 
  9. The bowl continues to get passed around, alternating teams describing and guessing. When the bowl is empty, Round 1 (describing) is complete.
  10. Scorekeeper totals up points earned for each team, then all slips return to the bowl. 
  11. Round 2 begins at the player who the bowl finished with.
  12. Round 2: Acting. Aka charades. Call it what you will. No making sounds, no mouthing words. Straight Hollywood-style acting here please. 
  13. Continue until bowl is empty. Total up points. 
  14. Round 3: One word. This sounds more difficult than it is, but you'll be surprised. At this point, all players have heard each thing guessed 2 times (and likely shouted as a guess multiple other times). Player pulls a slip, and has ONE word to say aloud for their team to associate with the thing to guess. No ifs, ands, buts, ums, or uhs ;)
  15. To complete the game, scorekeeper totals all points for each team from 3 rounds. Highest number of points wins. 


*If you do not know an item that you pull from the bowl, you can return it to the bowl, but the other team gets a point.

**If you begin describing an item and it becomes evident that your team is not going to guess it, you can return it to the bowl to pull a new one. Other team gets 2 points. 

***If Alice finishes Round 1 or 2 in the middle of her timed turn, she gets the remaining time to start Round 2 or 3. i.e. She describes "Stranger Things" and her team guesses it. The bowl is now empty, and her turn has 00:23 remaining. She gets to start Round 2 with a full bowl, with 00:23 to go. 

Bonus Round 4: For the weird ones. 

  1. Grab a blanket, and the player in the spotlight throws it over themselves. 
  2. Yes, picking the slips, and reading them, and transitioning to "acting" is not very smooth here... but this round is mostly for the laughs anyway.

Also, you'd be surprised at how you are able to guess what it is that the blanketed player is acting out. How our brains associate is an incredible thing!

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