Top Christmas Movies to Watch in 2024

Torn image edge

You better watch [these movies]

You better not cry! (Or do, we’re not telling)

Just think: The holiday season is the one time of year that has a plethora of movies produced solely for it. If there wasn’t already a stocking-list full of reasons to love the holidays and all that come with them, here is your reason to jump aboard the Polar Express. Whether you’re a  gnome, an elf on the shelf, or even a grinch, or a scrooge, or any other creature who claims to despise the season, we’re pretty sure this list below could convince even you to believe in the magic of the season. Also, if you’re in that category, and you happened upon this blog, we really must thank our SEO team for somehow enticing you here. Carry on… you’re not in the wrong spot…

For those of you who love everything about the holiday season, have been baking tree-shaped cookies, turned up the Christmas music, and have had your Christmas lights on since the day after Halloween, we really should be surveying you for your top movies. For now, our team talked amongst ourselves (not during a meeting of course, no, we are always on task in those)—or rather, Slacked—and rounded up our conglomeration of favorite Christmas movies. Enjoy a glimpse into the creatives that bring you Partytrick, and your upcoming movie night entertainment.


*Can also double as family-friendly, but categorized separately for the sake of the pedestal that these must be placed on.

See the source image
  • A Christmas Story
  • Christmas Vacation: “Can you tell I’m an 80s baby?”—laughs our Executive Assistant Sarah; we’ll let you guess which other submissions were hers
  • It's a Wonderful Life: “I used to watch with my parents every year”—our Director of Content Marketing Angela
  • Scrooge
  • Miracle on 34th Street (forever a believer)
  • Family Stone: Just heart emojis for this one, from Allie with Growth Marketing. Oh, plus a direct statement: “I LOVE CHRISTMAS”


Highlight of family movie nights this time of year: You get to remind the kids that Santa is still watching, so they better be good during the movie.

See the source image
  • Home Alone: A whopping winner with the top votes from our marketing team
  • How the Grinch Stole Christmas: “It’s the hair inspo in WhoVille that gets me. And Faith Hill’s musical contributions” —our Copywriter Danielle
  • The Santa Clause
  • Charlie Brown Christmas
  • Elf: We think Will Ferrell really did inspire Elf on the Shelf… you heard it here

Love / RomComs

Let yourself believe in magic again. 

  • Love Actually: “Hopeless romantics unite!” Voted for by our CEO Virginia, Director of Content Marketing Angela, Product Director Aaron, and Social Media Manager Kristin
  • The Holiday: Also approved by our CEO Virginia. Shout out to their holiday decor.
  • Hallmark Channel: “Duh”...also our 80s baby Sarah

And holding up its very own category… Bad Santa, as also submitted by our Product Director Aaron. If you’re looking for another R-rated seasonal movie, Violent Night comes out in theaters December 2nd. The name speaks for itself, so you’ve been warned. But if you have a tough time getting a certain someone to enjoy the cheese of Hallmark movies…we can’t say this one is a compromise, but it will keep other said party entertained.

So warm up your hot chocolate, spark up the twinkle lights, and cozy up for these holiday favorites. It is, after all, the most wonderful time of the year, as they say.

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