Movie Night Conversation Starters

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Ask the Audience

Well, ask each other and then enjoy the show.

Movie night could go on forever, if you think about the number of  movies you could play once your guests suggest all their favorites. In the case that you want to start the night off with some on-brand conversation for movie night—or if you’re having a Hollywood Glam party and just want to fuel the fun—these questions are prompts for you. And the Oscar goes to…

ideas for movie night

How to play

Use these ‘award titles’ to assign, talk about, and share your movie selections of choice. Extra: Share your Best Line Ever in your best character voice.

Use these as simple conversation prompts, or make it a game and have guests write out their responses before sharing. If any pairs write the same responses, they act out a scene together. That’s the ticket.

Conversation starters for movie night party
  1. Best Movie Ever
  2. Most Well-Played Character
  3. Best Actor
  4. Best Actress
  5. Best Soundtrack
  6. Best Movie Genre
  7. Best Line Ever
  8. Top Movie Series
  9. All-Time Worst Movie
  10. Best Opening Scene
  11. All-Time Worst Ending Scene
  12.  Most Welcoming House
  13. Best Costumes
  14. Best Dramatic Scene
  15. Best Animal Character
  16. Best Ending Scene
  17. Most Beautiful Scenery
  18. Best Villain (to root against)
  19. How many times (+/-) have you watched your favorite movie? 
  20. What movie series or franchise do you think should never have had more than one movie?
  21. What movie do you think there should be a sequel to?

With that, your movie night is all set. Roll out the red carpet and watch the drama unfold (though we hope it’s a love story that ends happily ever after).

best movies to watch

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