How To Decorate with Hanging Glass Orbs

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Lights, glass, and just a little bit of magic

No magic required—but this set-up makes it look like there was

By Virginia Frischkorn

You know that sort of scene you happen upon and you instantly feel transported through time, space, reality, and a lifetime? Ok, maybe that’s a bit much, but you know the type. Whether it’s with greenery and lights, a whimsical rainy moment, stringed instruments, or just the right amount of shimmer, we’re here to inform you—and equip you—with what you need to enact your very own magical moment. This isn’t a fairy tale, promise. But, you may feel like you’re in one when you walk through it. Soak it up. Life is meant for these moments. 

One of our very favorite ways to create this sort of experience is with hanging glass orbs. Whether adorning a walkway—we’ve done this on an entire trellis, and it was GAW-JUSS, adding personality to a lounge area to the side of an event, or to draw attention to the dessert corner (see you there!), the glass orbs will bring the light just where you want them.

What you need:

  • Glass orbs: ornaments with hanging fixture
  • Fishing line
  • LED copper twinkle lights
  • Foundation to hang from: we love dry arch branches or a green trellis - 3M hanging clips work if you’re using a ceiling in your home
  • Optional: glass cloche with base (or your favorite platter)

How to decorate:

  1. Fill your glass orbs with LED lights. Lace in as many as you can.
  2. Hang the orbs from your designated area with fishing line. 
  3. Thread remaining LED lights around branches, or foundation of choice.

To complete the look:

  • Set glass cloches filled with lights around the rest of your space.  Think on a mantel, in lieu of lanterns, by the front door. You can’t go wrong here. 
  • Elevate place settings with a glass orb (filled with lights of course) and a name card for each guest at the table. This also makes the perfect party favor. Done and done.
  • Place fairy lights anywhere and everywhere: in mason jars, threaded through the centerpiece garland, around columns. You are a fairy godmother and these are your magic.

Now light things up, transform your scene, and watch your guests start to glow. With how dazzling your cloches are, your guests might not even notice that they aren’t filled with cake.

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