8 Ways to be a Better Host

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Ever wish you were better at going with the flow? Look no further. We are going to empower you to be the best host you can be so that you can relax and enjoy the gift of great company at your next dinner party. Here are a few of our favorite tips!

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1. Go with what you know

We love trying new things, but we DON’T recommend cooking a 20-step expert-level recipe, if you’re looking for a stress-free experience. Stick with recipes you’re already comfortable with so that you can enjoy your time with friends (instead of crying when the soufflé collapses).

2. Prepare in advance

A solid mise en place is essential. If recipes can’t be fully prepared in advance, chop those carrots, mix that salad dressing, and complete any other kitchen prep you can ahead of time, in order to cut down on your time spent in the kitchen during the event.

3. Laugh it off

Don’t apologize, if things go haywire. Make a joke about your burnt chicken or overdone risotto. Laugh it off, don’t put your guests on the spot, and pour another glass of wine!

4. Pump up the volume

Never start a dinner party without music. There’s nothing worse than being the first guest to arrive to a (too) quiet home!

5. Seat assignments are your friend

With bigger groups, guests will be looking for direction when sitting down at the table. Place cards allow you to think proactively about connecting new friends, steer guests clear of any landmines, and avoid the awkward “Where am I sitting?” bumper car confusion.

6. Decide where to serve dessert

Want guests to stay longer? Serve dessert at the table. Want to start wrapping up the evening? Serve dessert in the living room or another part of the home that keeps guests moving toward the door.

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7. Be gracious

Learn this phrase: “I always hated that…(glass, rug, bowl, etc.).” If someone breaks a glass or spills on the rug, fussing over the broken pieces or cherished heirloom will only make things uncomfortable. If there’s nothing that can be done in the moment, shrug it off, and worry about it tomorrow!

8. Leave the dishes

The dishes can wait. Enjoy your time with friends and/or family, and worry about the cleanup after guests leave.

And remember! Winston Churchill once said, “Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.” We live (and party!) by this motto!

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